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Corvette Soft Top Installation


Convertible owners know the joy of the open road. It is almost a magical experience with the wind whipping around. It was a big disappointment when GM dropped the convertible option from their lineup in 1976.Fortunately, a convertible option for the Corvette returned in 1986. By then, significant strides had been made in convertible technology. Road noise and interior temperature control was abated with the addition of a headliner.

The headliner wasn’t just functional though; its smooth, finished look greatly enhanced the interior and eliminated the unsightly steel top bows. Additionally, it was now possible to wash the exterior without water intrusion concerns. Even water directed at the top of the windows was generally not a problem.Our goal is to help you to feel more comfortable installing a 1986-1996 convertible top.

Early tops and late tops are on entirely different ends of the spectrum when it comes to installation difficulty. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the easiest to install and 10 being the most difficult, I would rate early tops as a “10” and 1986 and later tops as a “1.”In 1994, the Corvette was finally fitted with a glass back window. This finished off an already stellar, easy-to-use convertible top. The top material tends to deteriorate long before the back window glass clouds or cracks. If you own a 1986-1993 and would benefit from a glass back window, they can be retrofitted. It requires a few additional drilled holes and some rivets to clinch.

The retrofit kit is available from Corvette Central and utilizes a few springs, cables, and glass stops to keep the glass in place.Convertible tops for 1986-1996 Corvettes are cut to fit, sewn and ready to install without the need for staples. An assistant is highly recommended; otherwise you will be moving from one side of the car to the other repeated minor adjustments are made.The majority of the labor-intensive work begins after the old top has been removed. It can take quite a while to carefully and successfully remove old adhesive. Also, convertible top frame work may be necessary if fasteners have been stripped and also to ensure the best fit possible. It is very common to see corrosion at the rear bow, and unfortunately since everything is kept under wraps until the headliner is removed, you may experience this unpleasant surprise.When I was working on my own 1990 convertible, I found severe corrosion and had to replace the rear left hand bow section. At the time, it was not available from GM. Luckily, C&S Corvettes in Sarasota, Florida, helped me to obtain a like-new rear bow section from a wrecked convertible.

Sometimes it is necessary to pay for the entire top frame to just get the one piece that you need, which is unfortunate. If you are willing to delay the project a bit, you may have some luck if you do a diligent search.If you do find corrosion once the top is removed, be sure to prime the aluminum with an etch primer to allow the top coat to adhere properly when painted. We always give any untreated aluminum areas a touch of primer before the new top goes on to prevent future corrosion.Although it typically only takes about 1-2 hours to take the old top off, it can take many hours or even days to clean things up. Then, once you have finished cleaning and preparing the frame you can figure on 6-8 hours to install the new top.It is imperative to confirm proper fit and placement before beginning the installation. In addition, make sure to be very careful with adhesive. Place a ¼” bead on the frame, position the top material, then peel it back and allow the adhesive to partially dry.

This usually takes about 3-5 minutes in 85 degree weather; in colder temperatures add a few additional minutes. Less is certainly more in this case: too much adhesive can be a real pain to work with because it becomes soft and gooey, lets the top material slide around, and can take days to dry.


Corvette Soft Top Replacement

If you happen to mislay the material, you should be able to pull the material back and reapply the adhesive at least once. If you have to reposition the material more than once, the best policy is to remove the original adhesive and reapply fresh adhesive.Xylene, naphtha or body shop wax and grease remover can be used to remove the tenacious adhesive from all the convertible top frame pieces. Any adhesive inadvertently deposited on the convertible tops visible surfaces during installation should be removed with brake cleaner. Be sure to use an alcohol based brake cleaner, not a dual purpose brake/throttle body cleaner. Other cleaners tend to leave residue on the exterior top surfaces. Avoiding a spill or excessive glue is the best policy, but keep the solvents nearby if necessary. Procrastination can be costly.

C1 Corvette Soft Top Installation

As the adhesive dries, it gets tougher to remove; remember to move quickly.If you are a novice, you may gain some added reassurance by using a camera to document the disassembly process.

1957 Corvette Soft Top Installation

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